Jason Du Mont is a Lecturer in Law and a Teaching Fellow for the Law, Science & Technology program at Stanford Law School. His scholarship uses empirical, historical, and doctrinal legal methods to explore intellectual property and innovation in design.
Prior to joining Stanford, Jason was the Microsoft Intellectual Property Fellow at Indiana University’s Maurer School of Law where he taught Trade Dress & Design Law, a Survey of Intellectual Property Law, and the course component of the Intellectual Property Externship program. While at Indiana University, he also developed curriculum for teaching IP law to undergraduate students in the School of Art & Design. Apart from teaching and writing, Jason built a web-based platform for the state of Indiana that helps connect small inventors with patent attorneys that are willing to provide their services pro bono. The platform is operated by Indiana University’s Center for IP Research – as a part of a U.S. Patent & Trademark Office initiative under the America Invents Act – and has helped numerous inventors from around the state.
Jason is also a doctoral candidate at the Max Planck Institute for Competition & Innovation where his research focuses on the discordant application of creativity standards in design law regimes. While working towards his doctorate, Jason was a Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford University’s Intellectual Property Research Centre, and a visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Intellectual Property & Information Law and at New York University’s School of Law. Prior to pursuing a doctorate at the Max Planck Institute, Jason was a Teaching Fellow at Chicago-Kent College of Law where he taught courses in patent litigation and international IP, and helped supervise the theses of International IP LL.M. students.
He is admitted to the Illinois Bar, the United States Supreme Court, and the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.
Dissertation (forthcoming 2017)
(Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2017) (w. Mark Janis)
Design Patent Remedies Chapter 6 (Data Figures ) (SSRN )
Supplement 2014-15 (Aspen Publishers, 2015) (w. Graeme Dinwoodie & Mark Janis)
Casebook Website w. Materials for Students & Teachers
in The Copyright/Design Interface: Past, Present & Future (Estelle Derclaye ed.) (w. Mark Janis) (Cambridge University Press 2018) (SSRN Draft ) (Data Figures ) (CUP ) (Cambridge Core )
in Research Handbook on Design Law (Henning Hartwig ed.) (w. Mark Janis) (Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming 2017) (SSRN )
69 Vanderbilt Law Review 1631 (2016) (w. Mark Janis) (Data Figures ) (SSRN , Vand )
36 AIPLA Quarterly Journal 147 (2008), reprinted in Trademarks & Infringements 147 (Icfai Univ. Press, 2008) (SSRN )
Brief of Amicus Curiae on Behalf of Intellectual Professors In Support of Respondents Apple, Samsung v. Apple (U.S. 2016) (pending) (w. Mark Janis) (SSRN )
Brief of Amici Curiae Jason J. Du Mont & Mark D. Janis in Support of Appellee Apple, Apple v. Samsung (Fed. Cir. 2015) (w. Mark Janis) (SSRN )